DWI – NC 30 Day Civil Revocation, Monroe NC

Traffic Stop          In North Carolina, when you are charged with Driving While Impaired, your license will be taken by the charging officer and automatically revoked for 30 days. The license is turned into the Clerk of Court where you can retrieve it after meeting the statutory requirements. However, you may be eligible for a Limited Driving Privilege which allows you to get back on the road during the revocation period. To be considered for a Limited Driving Privilege, you must meet certain requirements that our attorneys can help walk you through.

          Upon the expiration of the 30-day civil revocation and payment of a $100 Civil Revocation fee to the Clerk of Court, you may retrieve your license and resume driving as normal. Driving is an essential privilege and the attorneys at Plyler, Long & Corigliano, LLP understand the importance of getting back on the road as soon as possible. Contact our office today for assistance in applying for a pretrial Limited Driving Privilege and defending your DWI.


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