Establishing Adult Guardianship For Aging Parents in NC

Adult Guardianship in North Carolina

Do you have a loved one who is not capable of handling his or her own personal, medical, or financial affairs?  Whether it is an aging parent or grandparent struggling with dementia, or an adult child suffering from a disability, it may be necessary to establish adult guardianship to ensure that your loved one’s affairs are appropriately managed.

North Carolina Adult Guardianship Process
In North Carolina, any interested party can initiate a guardianship proceeding. The guardianship process proceeds in two parts.  First, the court must determine whether your loved one is incompetent, meaning that he or she lacks the necessary capacity to manage his or her affairs or to make or communicate important decisions concerning his or her person, family, or property.  If the court finds that your loved one is incompetent, it will then appoint a guardian to manage his or her affairs. 

Types of Adult Guardianship
There are three types of adult guardianships in North Carolina:

  • A guardian of the person
  • A guardian of the estate
  • A general guardian

The appropriate type of guardianship depends on a number of circumstances, including your loved ones’ personal, medical, and financial needs.  Being appointed guardian of the person will allow you to manage the personal and medical care of your loved one while being appointed guardian of the estate will allow you to manage your loved one’s financial affairs.

Being appointed a general guardian will allow you to manage both personal and financial affairs.  If you have a loved one who would benefit from the appointment of a guardian, the experienced North Carolina attorneys at Plyler, Long & Corigliano, LLP, can aide in the guardianship process and help to ensure that your loved one receives the care and attention he or she needs.

For help with this or your other legal needs, contact your expert attorneys in Monroe, NC.

Contact us at 704-469-5523 today.